Ensuring we have the necessary skills and training to meet the government's low carbon heating challenge.
By Installer & elemental
Who will be speaking?
Graeme Dryden, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC) will be joined by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) and the Ground Source Heat Pump Association to discuss the skills development across low carbon heating.
What will the session cover?
This session will look at:
- Signposting training options available to installers, within low carbon heating
- Explore future education and skills needs for existing installers
- Look at and discuss options for new entrants starting their career in low carbon heating.
Who will be speaking?
Graeme Dryden (Deputy CEO APHC)
Laura Bishop (Chair of the GSHPA and Director, Infinitas Design Ltd)
Paul Leedham (MCS certified installer, MD of Matrix Energy Systems, MCS Installer Oversight Committee)
More information:
Historically, ‘renewable technologies’ have been, seen as, an extension to the plumbing and heating industry, with short CPD courses available from training providers and manufacturers to focus on heat pump, biomass or solar thermal hot water systems. However, many installers have found it difficult to access these courses or find it does not meet all their needs.
There are some organisations who may specialise in low carbon heating, like the gas industry, and are now looking at the future skills needs of their workforce, necessary to meet the government net zero challenge. This also presents the potential for establishing a new occupation in this area. These businesses recognise the need to recruit apprentices into the business in order to ensure they have sustainable growth, meeting customers’ demands.
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Installer & elemental