Emma Donoghue: Haven
By TPLCulture
Award-winning and bestselling author Emma Donoghue joins us to discuss her new novel, Haven, in conversation with the Toronto Star's Deborah Dundas.
Haven takes us on a journey to seventh-century Ireland, where a scholar priest named Artt has a dream in which God tells him to leave the sinful world behind. With two monks—young Trian and old Cormac—he rows down the River Shannon in search of an isolated spot in which to found a monastery. Drifting out into the Atlantic, the three men find the impossibly steep, bare island known today as Skellig Michael. In such a place, what will survival mean?
About this event's guests:
Emma Donoghue
Deborah Dundas
Read more:
Emma Donoghue's books in order
This event is part of our signature Salon Series, where we host local and international authors, artists and thinkers in conversation about their new books and big ideas.
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