Discounted Gift Trusts - Hands On
By Utmost Wealth Solutions
Join us for the second webinar for professional advisers on planning with Discounted Gift Trusts.
In this event, Steve Sayer, Technical Sales Manager, will take a more hands on look at Discounted Gift Trusts and how they can benefit your clients using various case studies and scenarios.
Steve will then be joined by Marc Acheson, Global Wealth Specialist, Simon Martin, Head of UK Technical Services and John Albon, Taxation and Trusts Specialist, for an interactive Q&A session.
Don't worry if you can't attend on the day. You can watch later on demand at a time to suit you.
If you missed part one, when Steve took an in-depth look at Discounted Gift Trusts including their use in mitigating IHT, their place in the overall planning strategy and when your clients should use them, you can watch on demand here www.crowdcast.io/e/dgt
hosted by

Utmost Wealth Solutions