Cloud Developer Tools Series: Intro to IBM Cloud CLI
By IBM Developer
IBM Cloud Developer Tools offers powerful CLIs and tooling to interact with your applications, containers, infrastructure, and other services.
Join IBM Developer for a hands-on workshop where you will learn how to install a set of IBM Cloud™ developer tools that include the latest IBM Cloud CLI, verify the installation, and configure the environment. The IBM Cloud Developer Tools offer a command-line interface (CLI) for creating, developing, and deploying cloud-native applications.
IBM Cloud CLI and Developer Tools include robust tools and CLI plug-ins for cloud-native development and deployment, including curated Starter Kits and the ability to integrate with services like AI and Kubernetes. Learn how to utilize industry-leading command-line interfaces and plug-ins to integrate cloud-native applications with IBM Cloud.
🎓 AGENDA (Central Time):
2:00pm PDT Check-In & Introductions
2:15pm PDT IBM Cloud & Dev Setup
2:30pm PDT Developer Tools Workshop
3:45pm PDT Q&A
hosted by
IBM Developer