IBM Developer Summit 2020

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IBM Developer Summit 2020

By IBM Developer

Live session for IBM Developer Summit 2020
7:00 PM - Live Q/A Session with Speakers
7:30 PM - Live Parallel Workshops
To participate and complete the workshops included in this summit, you will need to create or have an IBM Cloud account, it's free and no credit/debit card information required:
7:30 PM - Build Better Virtual Agents with Watson
We all have waited for long queues to resolve our issues, we all have spend hours searching to find the right information on the internet. Let’s build our own solution to these types of problems from the scratch through a one of a kind chatbot.
In this workshop we are going to build a Smart Virtual Agent which requires no coding experience, we are going to learn the basic building blocks of Watson Assistant and lastly we are going to be showcasing our chatbot building skills to the world.
Workshop Agenda:
  • Customer Care before Chatbots
  • Chatbots? Virtual Agents? What are they?
  • Introduction to Watson Assistant
  • Why use Watson Assistant?
  • Lab Experience - How to build a virtual agent using Watson Assistant on IBM Cloud
Workshop Speakers:
  • Mohammad Ali Khan, Developer Advocate, IBM Pakistan
  • Huzaifah Saleem, Developer Advocate, IBM Pakistan
7:30 PM - Build Scalable Applications using IBM Cloud & Docker
Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. By taking advantage of Docker we can ship, test, and deploy code quickly.
Use IBM Cloud™ Container Registry can store and access private container images in a highly available and scalable architecture that is hosted and managed by IBM®.
Workshop Agenda:
  • Brief history on traditional architecture and how applications were deployed
  • Discussion on Docker Architecture
  • Why to use Docker?
  • IBM Cloud and Docker together
  • Lab Experience - How to containerize simple Node.js app locally and push on IBM Container Registry
  • Free Promo codes at the end of webinar
Workshop Pre-requisites:
  • Install IBM CLI:
  • Install docker on your local machine:
  • Mac :
  • Windows:
Workshop Speakers:
  • Muhammad Ahsan Khan, Developer Advocate, IBM Pakistan
  • Saad Tariq, Application Consultant:Microservices, IBM Pakistan

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer

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