Create your First Data Streaming Application without any Code

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Create your First Data Streaming Application without any Code

By IBM Developer

Streaming apps start with a data source, focus on data processing, and end by sending this data to a specific target. This session will show you how to build a data streaming application on IBM Cloud using IBM Streams Flows.
🎓 What will you learn?
• What is data streaming?
• What is IBM Streams Flows?
We'll conclude with an interactive lab where we'll build a data streaming application for a simple retail use case.
👩‍💻 Who should attend?
Anyone who has an interest in data and analytics (No need to have a technical background)
📝 Pre-requisites:
• Log in or sign up for your cloud account:
• Register for the live event or watch the recording:
🎙️ Speakers:
• Khalil Faraj, IBM Developer Advocate in UAE
• Lungelo Sikobi, IBM Developer Advocate in South Africa

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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