Fall Staging and Southern Migration of Rocky Mountain Greater Sandhill Cranes

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Fall Staging and Southern Migration of Rocky Mountain Greater Sandhill Cranes

By Bud Werner Memorial Library

Bud Werner Memorial Library in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and the Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition, Inc. invite you to spend an evening with Van Graham and Erin Gelling as they talk about staging and migrating Greater Sandhill Cranes.
Greater Sandhill Cranes gather in large groups in “staging” areas during the fall prior to migrating south for the winter. These staging areas are key places for cranes to feed and bulk up for their migration. Cranes migrate during the day and use key stopover sites located along their southern migration route to rest and refuel. Focusing on the Rocky Mountain Greater Sandhill Cranes, learn what staging areas are, why they are important, and how cranes use them. Learn how cranes migrate south and the key stopover sites they use along the way. Learn how people play a role in providing staging areas and what you can do to help cranes during staging and migration.

About the Speakers

Van Graham is a retired Colorado Parks and Wildlife Biologist who spent about 25 years studying Greater Sandhill Cranes in Northwestern Colorado and authored the original Greater Sandhill Crane recovery plan for Northwest Colorado.
Erin Gelling is the Program Director for Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition and wildlife biologist with more than 10 years of experience in avian and wildlife biology and rangeland ecology.
Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition, Inc. (CCCC) works to conserve and protect Greater Sandhill Cranes and their habitat through science and education. This event is presented in partnership with Bud Werner Library, a proud presenter of the Yampa Valley Crane Festival since its inception.

hosted by

Bud Werner Memorial Library

Bud Werner Memorial Library


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