Corinne Fowler on Colonialism and Country Houses
By Shute Festival
Corinne Fowler is a professor of English at the University of Leicester. Her project, Colonial Countryside: National Trust Houses Reinterpreted is a child-led history and writing project which seeks to make historic houses' connections to the East India Company and transatlantic slavery widely known. Between 2019-2020 she was seconded to the National Trust to conduct research tests on all aspects of curation, interpretation and training to lay the groundwork for telling the stories of the colonial connections of country houses. Her recently published book, Green Unpleasant Land: Creative Responses to Rural England's Colonial Connections, explores the repressed history of rural England's links to transatlantic enslavement and the East India Company. Corinne will be in conversation with Shute director Sam Knights.
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Shute Festival