Continuous Integration & Delivery in Red Hat OpenShift

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Continuous Integration & Delivery in Red Hat OpenShift

By IBM Developer

Red Hat® OpenShift® is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform with full-stack automated operations to manage hybrid cloud and multicloud deployments. Red Hat OpenShift is optimized to improve developer productivity and promote innovation
CI/CD is one of the popular use-cases for OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift scales the pipeline execution through on-demand provisioning in containers. OpenShift provides an end-to-end solution for building complete deployment pipelines and removes the wait time for running builds in large projects.
What you will learn: • Discussion on different architecture • OpenShift architecture • Builds and deployments • Services, routes, and scaling • Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) • Manage application using Source-to-Image method
Additionally you will directly learn form the experts about the challenges and best practices of OpenShift in production environment.
Pre-requisites: Please create your IBM account to get free OpenShift cluster access :
Mike A. Cedric, Application Developer - Red Hat Cloud Microservices
Karim Deif, IBM Client Developer Advocate
Muhammad Ahsan Khan, IBM Developer Advocate

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