Guaranteed income and the current safety net

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Guaranteed income and the current safety net

By The BIG Conference

How does the current safety net compare to cash assistance policies like guaranteed income and universal basic income, and how would a transition or complementarity look like? Nick Rodelo (PolicyEngine) starts this session with a quantitative analysis of food assistance programs and cash transfers. Ann Danforth (Maine Equal Justice) shares opportunities to improve the existing safety net while moving toward a guaranteed income. Finally, Luisa S. Deprez (University of Southern Maine) describes the challenges of benefit cliffs and work disincentives in guaranteed income pilot design.
Nick Rodelo, PolicyEngine
Nicholas Rodelo is originally from California, but now lives in Massachusetts. He studied Economics at Boston University, graduating Magna Cum Laude. His research interests mainly revolve around benefits policy and what can be done to improve access, program design, and quality of service for recipients.
Ann Danforth, Maine Equal Justice
Ann Danforth is a Policy Advocate at Maine Equal Justice, a nonprofit civil legal aid and economic justice organization working to increase economic security, opportunity, and equity for people in Maine. Before moving back home to Maine, Ann was Senior State Advocacy Manager with Community Catalyst’s Women’s Health Program, working to promote quality health care for women and families. She also worked as Advocacy and Policy Coordinator for the ACLU’s Advocacy and Policy Department. A graduate of the Columbia University Master’s in Social Work Program, she brings a social work lens to her advocacy.
Luisa S. Deprez, University of Southern Maine
Luisa Deprez’s commitment is to social justice, equality and equity. Through her work, she unearths the politics of policy-making as well as the influence and impact of ideology and public opinion on social policy deliberations and actions and the resultant social, economic, and personal consequences. Her expertise lies in social welfare policy, especially the restrictive nature of “safety net programs, and the implications of poverty and educational and welfare policies on women. She consults with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and state legislatures while remaining an active contributor to state and national policy discussions and debates on issues of social concern.
Michael Howard, President, US Basic Income Guarantee, Inc.
Michael Howard has taught philosophy at the University of Maine since 1981. He has published 4 books, including, with Karl Widerquist, two books on Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend, and many articles on basic income in relation to immigration, inequality, and climate change.
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