Cluster Duck Protocol, a Call for Code Open Source Project

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Cluster Duck Protocol, a Call for Code Open Source Project

By IBM Developer

๐ŸŒ Join this workshop to learn about the ClusterDuck Protocol, created by Project OWL to be an easy-to-use mobile mesh network that can be accessed without the need to have specific hardware/software. This project has been open sourced to reach the communities quickly and effectively!
๐ŸŽ“What you will learn:
In 2017 a category-5 hurricane, Maria, hit Puerto Rico and wreaked havoc on the island's infrastructure. Communication and power were disabled for an extended period of time, causing lasting effects long after the hurricane had passed. Many of these issues could have been prevented if civilians had access to a basic network where they could send short messages to emergency services and local governments.
The ClusterDuck network is made up of multiple nodes called "Ducks" that push and receive data without the need for people to have specific hardware, mobile devices, or even WiFi. Since it's creation, the vision has moved towards additional use cases around earthquakes, wildfires, cellular congestion (large events), sensor networks, and more. Join us to learn about this project and it's continued development and deployment.
๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Meetup Agenda:
- Introduction to Call for Code
- Introduction/Updates from the ClusterDuck Protocol team
๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Who should attend?
This IBM Developer event is open to everyone, and we encourage everyone to join the conversation. Developers and those interested in open source application development and deployment should join this event.
๐ŸŽ™ Speakers
Bryan Knouse, Project Owl
Nick Feuer, Project Owl
Timo Wielink, ProjectOwl
Kevin Nottberg, Cal Poly
Kevin Dixson, Cal Poly

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IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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