Design for Sustainability and Climate Action
By Green Tech South West
Green Tech South West presents our next online event with insightful talks combining digital design and sustainability from three brilliant speakers - James Chudley from cxpartners, and two speakers from Climate Labs, Ahsan Khan and Phil Spencer.
Designing Nature Inspired Sustainable Futures
As designers, the scope of our work and the problems that we find ourselves working on is increasing exponentially in complexity, scale and impact. We find ourselves working to help transform services and tackle systemic problems such as inequality, digital transformation and business sustainability.
As our work gets harder where should we turn for help, examples of best practice and inspiration?
In this talk James shares how designers, engineers and innovators such as Neri Oxman, professor at the MIT Media Lab, have applied Biomimetic thinking to take inspiration from the natural world to help them solve complex problems by considering the question 'How has Nature already solved this?'.
Following his Environmental Science Degree, James has been working as a design professional for 23 years across a wide range of sectors, most recently focussing on service design projects in the NHS.
His experience ranges from shaping projects and leading programmes of work to leading the delivering of research, strategy & design work for clients such as Google, Spotify, Aardman, NHS England, BBC, Expedia, Hotels.com and Virgin Trains.
James co-founded UXBristol, is a regular speaker at international UX conferences such as IXDA, UXPA, UXCambridge, UXScotland and FOWD and is the author of 'Smashing UX Design’, 'Usability of Web Photos’ & ‘UX Leadership Skills’.
Designing Funding Programmes for Climate Action
Climate Labs is a multidisciplinary design strategy consultancy, that focuses on design for sustainability. Earlier this year they began a project to co-design a new Climate Action Funding Programme for the community business sector, working at the intersection of regenerative communities and just transitions.
This project explores multi-facted support opportunities for people to build better lives for themselves and for their communities, and at the same time deliver climate and nature benefits such as reducing carbon emissions and regenerating systems. All whilst balancing the intertwined issues of cost of living crisis, climate justice and social justice.
In this talk Ahsan and Phil will go through the strategic design process they use for complex, mulit-faceted projects such as these.
Ahsan is the Design Director and Co-Founder of Climate Labs. He works with clients across business, communities and academia - Design Council, Power to Change, Futerra, PA Consulting, PwC, University of Kingston and Exeter - using Design Thinking to drive innovation for social and environmental impact. He consults in the third sector for Words of Colour and Culture Heroes focusing on strategic design to benefit marginalised communities. Ahsan has a BSc Hons in Product Design and MA in Sustainable Design.
Phil is a Co-Founder of Climate Labs and has a wealth of experience within workplace consultancy, across a variety of commercial workplaces over 20 years, as a designer, project manager, and consultant to many well known brands, such as Sony, Samsung and the NHS. He has taught design thinking through a Masters degree with Kingston University and projects with The Design Council. His goal is to innovate for strategic change through design, design thinking and service design. Phil has a BA Hons in Product & Furniture Design and MA in Sustainable Design.
Our schedule is as follows:
🔓 12.20pm - CrowdCast room opens
👋 12.30pm - Event starts with a welcome from your meet-up organisers, Ellen, Hannah and Mike
📢 12.35pm - Our famous 60 second intros - a chance for attendees to introduce themselves, ask for help and tell us about something the group might find interesting
💚 12.45pm - Ahsan and Phil's talk
💚 1.00pm - James's talk
❓ 1.15pm - Questions
🗓️ 1.25pm - Round-up, other community notices and next event announcement
The event will be recorded and will be available along with the slides to view shortly afterwards.
This is a free online event streaming via the CrowdCast platform. You will see the link once you RSVP. The evening before the event, we'll email those that RSVPed with more details about what to expect when using CrowdCast.
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Green Tech South West