Chatbots 101 with Kimra Luna, Founder of Freedom Hackers

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Chatbots 101 with Kimra Luna, Founder of Freedom Hackers

By Creatorcast

It's getting harder and harder to reach people over email and at the same time there has been an explosion of communications happening over messaging apps.
Many are saying that messaging apps are the new frontier of communication and the data shows that the apps like facebook messenger are leading to much higher open rates and engagement. Therefore people are starting to learn the art of using chatbots to grow their reach on these new messaging platforms. And one of the best at this is Kimra Luna.
Kimra has been a master at using chat bots to drive attendees to her crowdcasts and in this episode of Creatorcast she'll do a live training to help you start to do the same.
Join us for a live workshop and Q&A where we dive into her secrets.
See you inside. 🙌🏾
Creatorcast is a live show where we interview online creators and dive into how they are making a living online and their journey getting there.

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