BUILA Webinar - A partnership for quality: route to a UK quality framework with education agents
By The PIE
Are you an international recruitment provider or education agent working with the UK?
Then the BUILA/UKCISA launch of their ground-breaking research on Tuesday 30 March is a ‘must attend’ event for you.
The BUILA/UKCISA commissioned research plots a roadmap to a deeper and more transparent relationship between the education provider and education agent. When adopted, it will both support students using the services of an agent but also strengthen the UK education sector to allow us to compete in an ever-competitive global environment.
The report not only highlights current best practice, and how that might be better shared across the sector, it also contains analysis of the regulatory framework of competitor countries, such as Australia, USA, Canada, France and New Zealand. The report concludes with a series of sector-wide recommendations that will be shared with you at this launch event.
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