What Would a 2022 Beveridge Report Say?

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What Would a 2022 Beveridge Report Say?

By Bristol Ideas

The 1942 report Social Insurance and Allied Services (known popularly as the Beveridge Report) transformed the lived of millions of people and its impact is still felt today.
William Beveridge wanted to find solutions to the five giants of idleness, ignorance, disease, squalor and want. Some of his findings were not popular at the time with some politicians but his 'cradle to the grave' social programme – which called for a free national health service, amongst other things – struck a chord with the public. The report was a huge bestseller and would influence Clement Atlee's post-war Labour Government to implement these ideas.
The report helped solve some of the problems identified, but work continues to be needed on these and more. And what about problems – new giants – that have arrived more recently? What would a new Beveridge Report say today? How would it continue to address the five giants as well as deal with the problems the welfare state faces? How would it solve the social care crisis, or ensure that work is meaningful and secure and not precarious? Would it propose universal basic income and universal basic services? Would it deal with climate change?
Gavin Kelly (Resolution Foundation) hosts and is joined by Stewart Lansley (writer on poverty, wealth and inequality), Graeme Cooke (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) and Jane Millar (Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath).
Part of ‘Back to Basics: Income for Everyone?’ – the third conference from the University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) and Bristol Ideas, supported by the Basic Income Forum.
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Image: John Simitopoulos, Unsplash

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