The Friday Fireside - Better children make better adults that make a better world with Rebekah Clark
By The Happy Startup School
We are obsessed with wellbeing.
It's impossible to flick through the app store on your phone without hitting a new mediation app.
Companies are promoting better wellbeing in order to help with their bottom lines and employee retention.
Governments are recognising the importance of emotional wellbeing for determining the prosperity of a country.
But these are all reactive approaches and Rebekah thinks we've got it all wrong.
While we need these wellbeing tools to heal our minds and so heal the world, we need to start with the children.
Adults are just layers of neuroses wrapped around a scared and lonely child.
If we can equip that child with the tools to understand their feelings and deal with the ups and downs of life they become much more well-balanced adults who can then look after their own children (and the world and their own lives) better.
It becomes a virtuous circle!
Join us on the Friday Fireside to learn about Rebekah's journey to setting up Happy Marlo, an organisation that empowers young children with the tools that promote emotional wellness.
We'll talk about startups, wellbeing and healing the world!
hosted by

The Happy Startup School