BetaKit Live: Canada's 'New' Innovation Policy
By betakit
So the election is over and Canada’s new federal government will look… a lot like the old one.
But important distinctions remain. A new cabinet brings with it the potential to see new ministers tasked with oversight of Canada’s innovation economy. There’s also the question of all the outstanding federal commitments to innovation put on pause by the snap election. Will fall winds blow in fresh change to Canadian tech or just a bunch of dead leaves?
BetaKit will be joined by three Canadian policy wonks who will share their thoughts on what Canada’s new innovation policy might look like. More importantly, they’ll be prompted to share their thoughts on what Canada’s new innovation policy should look like.
Hosted by BetaKit Editor-in-Chief Douglas Soltys, the panel conversation will feature Vass Bednar, Executive Director, MPP in Digital Society at McMaster University, Benjamin Bergen, Executive Director of the Council of Canadian Innovators, and The Honourable Senator Colin Deacon, Member of the Senate of Canada.
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