Ajles.life Mini-Summit: How to live Ageless.Authentic.Indefinable
By Women's Health Conversations
YOU have always been a powerful influencer....at home, at work and in your community and yet when you look around the media, culture or maybe even your own thoughts will tell you that you must conform to someone else's ideas of aging, living, community.....Non-sense. There is freedom in being authentically you.
Ajles.life is community of smart savvy women in passionate pursuit of the BEST of Life.
We are committed to living Ageless. Authentic. Indefinable. by creating our own future!
In this mini-summit, we are joined by 4 amazing women for thought provoking conversations about:
1. What does it mean to live authentically?
2. Transformative healing through authentic self-expression.
3. Authenticity is your SUPERpower!
hosted by
Women's Health Conversations