Senator Cynthia Lummis Discusses Her Digital Asset Legislation

Boston Blockchain

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Senator Cynthia Lummis Discusses Her Digital Asset Legislation

By Boston Blockchain

Senator Cynthia Lummis has achieved some remarkable milestones. Youngest woman to serve in the Wyoming House of Representatives. First woman to serve as Wyoming Senator. And now, the co-sponsor of the Responsible Financial Innovation Act, otherwise known as the "Blockchain Bill."
Co-sponsored with Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), the proposed bill has received positive feedback within the blockchain community. It proposes clear and sensible guidelines for regulating digital assets, tokens, and cryptocurrencies, which -- if passed -- will allow the U.S. blockchain industry to thrive.
In this exclusive interview, Senator Lummis will be joining the BBA live and online to discuss what's in the bill, take questions from our community, and explain next steps for the bill to become law (also, how you can help).
(We encourage you to click here for the TLDR summary of the bill, and click here for the Schoolhouse Rock on how a bill becomes law.)
This very special online event is free for all to attend. RSVP here to get the link, and we'll see you then!

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Boston Blockchain


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