Anglo-Dutch Relations @ SRS
By Society for Renaissance Studies
Tues 29 June, 15:30–17:00 BST
I: Anglo-Dutch Discourses and Memes
Chair: Liesbeth Corens
- Alina Heiremans – Englishmen in the Margins
- Jack Avery – Prorogations and Perorations: Reading Dutch News about the English Parliament during the Third Anglo-Dutch War (1672-4)
- Catherine Hunt – Portrait of Anna Boudaen Courten: Fashioning an ‘Anglo-Dutch’ Identity
Tues 29 June, 19:00–20:30 BST
II: The Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere
Chair: Sjoerd Levelt
- Ad Putter – Dutch Code-switching in Early Tudor Poetry
- Liz Oakley-Brown – ‘Like widowe full of woe’: Passionate Anglo-Dutch Encounters in Thomas Churchyard’s A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders (1578)
- Tracey Hill – ‘As well by the English as by the Strangers’: Anglo-Dutch Dimensions of Civic Pageantry
Wed 30 June, 13:30–15:00 BST
III: Anglo-Dutch Literary Exchanges
Chair: Ad Putter
- Sjoerd Levelt – Jacob van Maerlant’s History of the Kings of Britain
- Kirsty Rolfe – A Tongue Combat: Writing and Rewriting Anglo-Dutch Propaganda in the 1620s
- Esther van Raamsdonk – The King James Version and the Statenvertaling: A Political and Literary Comparison
Wed 30 June, 19:00–20:30 BST
Kroeg quiz
Host: John Gallagher
Thurs 1 July, 15:30–17:00 BST
IV: Anglo-Dutch Communities, Networks and Lives
Chair: Esther van Raamsdonk
- Bart Lambert – ‘I Edmund’: What the Microhistory of an Essex Churchwarden Can Tell us about Dutch Immigrants in Later Medieval England
- Hope Walker – Seeking Hans Eworth, a Netherlander in London
- Nina Lamal – Fake Victories? Anglo-Dutch Public Confrontations in Livorno
Thurs 1 July, 17:00–18:00 BST
hosted by

Society for Renaissance Studies