A Story of Mob Programming, Testing and Everything
By AgileTD
Back in time, I started out as a strong individual contributor. I loved to have a team around me and collaborate with them, but when it came to doing “my part”, I did it only by myself. I was uncomfortable when another one “peeked over my shoulder” to see what I was doing, or when they even wanted to do it together with me.
But then I heard about this strange new approach of mob programming, having the whole team work on the same task, same place, same time, same computer - which was such an unusual idea that it instantly fascinated me. I told my team about it; they surprisingly agreed to give it a try; and it changed our world.
Join us on our journey and see what we discovered along the way. Learn how our mobbing experience helped us to start pairing, on various tasks across “disciplines”. This is our story of how the whole team is growing even closer together, constantly learning from each other, while delivering our best.
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