IBM Cloud Bootcamp for Africa Leadership University Day 3

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IBM Cloud Bootcamp for Africa Leadership University Day 3

By IBM Developer

Join us on the Day 3 of Bootcamp for Africa Leadership University as we dive deep into the integration of Watson Assistant with third-party applications. In this workshop, we will extend Watson Assistant chatbot’s capabilities by connecting it to Whatsapp using Twilio. We will be using Twilio’s sandbox to show how this integration works to build and have a conversation with a chatbot through Whatsapp.
📷 Agenda
  • Recap of Watson Assistant
  • What is Twilio
  • How to integrate Watson Assistant with Whatsapp
  • Chatbot Assignment Project
📷 Requirements to attend:
  • Have attended the Day 2 of IBM Cloud Bootcamp for Africa Leadership University
  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Stable internet connection
  • Your own laptop / PC so that you can follow along
📷 Prerequisites:
  • Create your free IBM Cloud account at:
  • Register on Crowdcast :
📷 Speakers
  • Mridul Bhandari, IBM Developer Advocate -
  • Khalil Faraj, IBM Developer Advocate -
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IBM Developer

IBM Developer

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