Zen Habits For Busy Creatives

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Zen Habits For Busy Creatives

By NewEarthbyRaveena

Raveena is offering a 3 hour online course to help aid in unlocking your fullest creative flow- open to hobbyists, entrepreneurs, and creative professionals alike. Creativity knows no bounds and this course is truly open to anyone who has a big idea and would like to see it through. Therapeutic in nature, this interactive course will explore the emotional and physical blocks that keep us from tuning into our deepest creative flows on a daily basis. The course will explore the following, and more:
  • Examining the roots of creative blocks and burnout
  • Developing a daily routine, based on larger goals
  • Ways to check in with your body and emotions throughout the day
  • Digging into our individual relationship with “success” and the ways it holds us back and fuels us
  • How to become a more open vessel to flow and ideas
January 25th, 9 AM -12 PM PST

General On Sale: $77.77

33.33% of the proceeds will be donated to the GoFundMe’s (below) of black and brown victims of the Eaton fires. My beautiful home for the past 5 years ❤️ WE WILL REBUILD AND HEAL ❤️


This ticket will include a downloadable PDF with journal prompts, and online access to the course after the live stream ends.

Powered by Raveena’s new wellness initiative - “New Earth by Raveena”

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