Yarn Study Group

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Yarn Study Group

By Yarnworker

Patreon only
Join me for an informal opportunity to gather and talk about yarn as we work our way through A Weaver’s Guide to Yarn. I’ll take the first 20 minutes to offer a mini lesson and then open the discussion up for Questions. You don’t have to wait for the specific yarn topic to ask a question.
These sessions are recorded. You can pop in at any time and post a question in the “Ask A Question” area. I record the answer to each question. If you can’t attend the live sessions or want to revisit a specific question you can hop to that specific conversation.
Please note the streaming speed in my area is very low and this can affect the quality of the feed. I use an intermediate buffering system to impove the quality of the live stream and playback. It is highly probably that there will be some interruptions and/or I’ll have to reboot without the buffering system during this session. If this happens, the best thing to do is refresh the app and I’ll pop back momentarily. If I’m unable to continue the session I’ll add a note in the chat.
For a complete list of Patron Yarnworker events, pop over here: https://yarnworker.com/patron-calendar/

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