Virtual Noir at the Bar Queens - A Double-Shot of Crime Fiction

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Virtual Noir at the Bar Queens - A Double-Shot of Crime Fiction

By Alex Segura

How could we top the first-ever virtual Noir at the Bar? Simple enough - you double the recipe!
Join us for TWO nights of amazing noir readers by some of the best and brightest crime writers. You can sit back, enjoy some dark fiction and also buy books via our beloved indie, Kew & Willow Books in Kew Gardens, Queens!
NIGHT ONE will feature:
Meg Gardiner
Vanessa Lillie
Jess Lourey
Jason Pinter
Amy Gentry
Rachel Howzell Hall
Kristen Lepionka
Cate Holahan
Rob Hart
NIGHT TWO will feature:
Catriona McPherson
Alison Gaylin
Halley Sutton
Mia P. Manansala
Steph Post
Andrea Bartz
Elizabeth Little
SA Cosby
Heather Harper Ellett
Please come by and join the fun!

hosted by

Alex Segura


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