Virtual Noir at the Bar, Boston Area (Round 2)

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Virtual Noir at the Bar, Boston Area (Round 2)

By Edwin Hill

Join us for a night of reading and conversation with Boston-area authors, and a few of their friends!
  • Tracy Clark
  • Daniel Ford
  • Kelly J. Ford
  • Vanessa Lillie
  • Hannah Mary McKinnon
  • Gabriel Valjan
  • Edwin Hill
  • Dave Pezza
We'll be partnering with Brookline Booksmith for sales for this event.
We'll continue to host Virtual Noir at the Bar every two weeks with new slates of authors for as long as folks are interested. Maybe we'll even meet in person once this whole craziness is over. If you are interested in participating, please write Edwin: [email protected].
See you there!

hosted by

Edwin Hill

Edwin Hill


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