📷📷USS2020 is a full-day VIRTUAL event aimed at young researchers with a keen interest in work at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
This event will feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Konrad Kording (University of Pennsylvania), as well as invited talks by Dr. Eilif Muller (former member of Element AI and the Blue Brain Project) and Dr. Adrienne Fairhall (University of Washington).
Join us for a day full of inspiring talks and online engaging activities with junior and senior researchers working at the intersection of these two fast-paced and exciting fields, and get the chance to network with them!
USS2020 - Agenda
09.30 am - 09.40 am. Opening remarks
09.40 am - 10.30 am. "Does the brain do something like back-propagation?" by Dr. Konrad Kording (University of Pennsylvania)
10.30 am - 11.10 am. Social coffee break
11.10 am - 12.00 pm. "Bridging scales of intelligence from biophysics to ConvNets" by Dr. Eilif Muller (formerly with Element AI and EPFL)
12.00 pm - 01.00 pm. Lunch break
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm. Lightning talks by trainees
02.00 pm - 03.00 pm. Discussion panel
03.00 pm - 03.50 pm. "Biological dynamics and their role in computation and learning " by Dr. Adrienne Fairhall (University of Washington)
03.50 pm - 04.00 am. Coffee break
04.00 pm - 05.30 pm. Breakout sessions (with guest mentors)
05.30 pm - 05.40 pm. Closing remarks
USS2020 - Programme
09.30 - 09.40 Mot d'ouverture
09.40 - 10.30 "Does the brain do something like backpropagation?" par Dr. Konrad Kording (Université de Pennsylvanie)
10.30 - 11.10 Pause café/Réseautage
11.10 - 12.00 "Bridging scales of intelligence from biophysics to ConvNets" par Dr. Eilif Muller (anciennement chez Element AI et EPFL)
12.00 - 13.00 Dîner
13:00 - 14.00. Session de présentations éclairs
14.00 - 15.00 Table ronde
15.00 - 15.50 "Biological dynamics and their role in computation and learning" par Dre. Adrienne Fairhall (Université de Washington)
15.50 - 16.00 Pause café
16.00 - 17.30 Sessions en petits groupes (avec les mentors invités)
17.30 - 17.40 Mot de clôture
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