Untold Stories: Founder Failures

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Untold Stories: Founder Failures

By Techstars

Join us for Untold Stories: Founder Failures Panel, an event where founders discuss how setbacks have shaped their entrepreneurial journeys. Discover how these remarkable entrepreneurs transformed their mistakes into invaluable lessons, and embraced them as catalysts for growth.

Through mentorship, guidance, and a powerful network, Techstars provides support to founders, helping them transform their failures to opportunities to refine their visions and strategies to build their companies.

Come celebrate the courage to dream big, stumble, and rise again.

Matt Kozlov, Managing Director Techstars LA, Techstars Healthcare and Techstars Space accelerators

Featured Speakers:

Joresa Blount- CEO and Founder of GoFlyy
Bosco Lai- CEO and Co-founder of Little Place Labs
Nyamitse-Calvin - CEO and Co-founder of Vital Audio

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