Judy Batalion: The Light of Days

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Judy Batalion: The Light of Days

By TPLCulture

The Light of Days is the first complete chronicle of the one of the most important World War II stories that never gets told. Judy Batalion’s new book follows the extraordinary women who helped transform the Jewish youth groups of Poland into resistance cells that fought the Nazis. Despite their story having gone virtually untold until now, this group of women paid off Gestapo guards, hid revolvers in loaves of bread and jars of marmalade and helped build systems of underground bunkers. While using their Aryan looks to seduce German soldiers, they managed to bomb German train lines and and town’s water supply, all while they nursed the sick and taught the children.
Judy Batalion is the author of White Walls: A Memoir About Motherhood, Daughterhood and the Mess in Between. She has written for the New York Times, Vogue, the Washington Post and many other publications. Prior to her writing career, she was an academic and is fluent in both Yiddish and Hebrew.
Judy Batalion appears in conversation to discuss The Light of Days with journalist, broadcaster and producer Garvia Bailey.
For more about these guests:
Judy Batalion
Garvia Bailey
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