The Case For Basic Income
By TPLCulture
In The Case for Basic Income: Freedom, Security, Justice, authors Elaine Power and Jamie Swift examine the 2017–2019 Ontario Basic Income Pilot and scrutinize the politics and the potential behind a radical proposal in a post-pandemic world. Is a Basic Income option the answer to inequality in Canada?
Garima Talwar Kapoor, Director of Policy and Research at Maytree, joins to add a different perspective to this important conversation.
Elaine Power, Jamie Swift and Garima Talwar Kapoor discuss the complexities of Basic Income, with host Heather Scoffield.
About this event's guests:
Elaine Power
Jamie Swift
Garima Talwar Kapoor
Heather Scoffield
This event is part of our On Civil Society series.
Generously supported in part by Chris M. Reid
Civil Forum: Basic Income
This event has a Civil Forum that will begin at 5:30 pm and run until 6:15 pm, just prior to the main event (which begins at 7 pm). Note that the Civil Forum: Basic Income is a separate event and requires a separate registration from the main event.
Dr. Jennifer Robson, Associate Professor of Political Management at Kroeger College, Carleton University, will provide a baseline understanding of the key issues related to the topic of Basic Income.
Additionally, your opinions, thoughts and experiences will be a critical part of engaging with the topic and understanding the background before you attend the main event. Come to participate, to listen and learn, come to teach other audience members about your own experience, education or expertise on the topic.
This Civil Forum is drop-in but the video presentation will begin at 5:30 pm. There will be a break between the end of this Civil Forum and the start of the main event at 7 pm.
To register for the Civil Forum: Basic Income, click here.
Toronto Public Library is committed to accessibility. Please call or email us if you are Deaf or have a disability and would like to request accommodation to participate in this program. Please let us know as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to meet your request. At least three weeks’ notice is preferred. Phone 416-393-7099 or email [email protected]
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