THC Expert Sessions S01E03: Inbound Recruiting & Employer Branding with Toni Gimeno
By Landing.Jobs
Employer Branding, Candidate Personas, Career Pages, Social Recruiting, Recruitment Marketing, Candidate Experience... there are a lot of things we can be working on to attract top talent, but normally we don't have a global strategy to be really successful.
In this talk we will introduce you to the Inbound Recruiting recruitment methodology and we will give you all the tricks that you can apply from that day, to be more effective attracting the right talent, to make them fall in love during the selection process and to hire them faster.
Toni Gimeno Solans Inbound Recruiting & Employer Branding
On the other side of this chat we will have the one and only, Hung Lee.
Join us on the second episode of the first season of the Tech Hiring Community Expert Sessions in partnership with Recruiting Brainfood.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
The Landing.Jobs Team
hosted by
