Heat Batteries: An innovative alternative to heat pumps, with results from the Neat Heat trial run by UKPN, OVO and tepeo.

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Heat Batteries: An innovative alternative to heat pumps, with results from the Neat Heat trial run by UKPN, OVO and tepeo.

By Installer & elemental

Join us for this exclusive webinar to introduce the concept of a heat battery and how they can be part of the solution to decarbonising home heating in the UK.

Some of the questions we will be answering during this event are:
  • What is a heat battery?
  • How can it help decarbonise home heating and balance the grid?
  • What case studies exist to show they work in practice?
The webinar will be hosted by Andrew Gaved - Editor at Large at elemental and Installer. He will be joined by

  • Lord Callanan - Vice-Chair - Net Zero APPG*
  • Tom Lowe, Founding Director, Thermal Storage UK
  • Johan du Plessis, CEO, tepeo
  • Chris Watling, Senior Commercial Manager Low Carbon Heat, OVO
  • Jack McKellar, Innovation Programme Delivery Manager, UK Power Networks
Tom Lowe from Thermal Storage UK will cover what heat battery options are available on the market at the moment and then move on to why they can help with grid flexibility and why balancing the grid is so important as we electrify heat.

The panel will discuss the findings from the most recent trials of heat batteries in the home environment, the Neat Heat Trial, run by tepeo, OVO and UKPN. This trial saw tepeo’s innovative Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB®) installed into 30 properties in the East and SE of England, replacing old fossil fuel boilers.

They will talk through the outstanding results from the trial, which clearly demonstrated how the ZEB can heat a home even on extremely cold days, shifting energy use away from peak times and charging at the cheapest and greenest rate.

The results found 100% of the customers reviewed recommended the ZEB and over the period of the trial, over 15 tonnes of CO2e were saved in the process.

Join us for this interesting debate on how heat batteries must be seen as an alternative to heat pumps in the electrification of heat, especially for homes unsuitable for heat pumps, as well as why the government needs to have a technology neutral approach to decarbonising heat.

This webinar is sponsored by tepeo.

*Subject to parliamentary business

hosted by

Installer & elemental

Installer & elemental


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