Tell-All Boston Presents: Life on the Margins
By Porter Square Books
Porter Square Books is excited to present Tell-All Boston for an evening celebrating essays on life on the margins. The evening’s program will feature work from five writers, including José Angel Araguz, the author of the lyric memoir Ruin & Want.
This event will take place on Thursday, June31 at 7pm at Porter Square Books (25 White St. Cambridge, MA 02140).
Other writers to be featured will be selected from an open call for submissions. To submit your work for consideration, please send your piece by May 9 to [email protected]. Please see submission guidelines and details here.
Tell-All Boston is Boston’s only live-on-stage literary reading series dedicated to the craft of memoir and personal essay. After two years of virtual readings, Tell-All Boston is excited to be back with an IN-PERSON event, brought to you by the alumni of the GrubStreet's Memoir Incubator and Essay Incubator co-sponsored by GrubStreet and Porter Square Books.
José Angel Araguz, Ph.D. is the author most recently of the lyric memoir Ruin & Want (Sundress Publications) as well as the poetry collections Rotura (Black Lawrence Press) and La esperanza espera (Valparaiso Ediciones). His poetry and prose have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poetry International, The Acentos Review, and Oxidant | Engine among other places. He is an Assistant Professor at Suffolk University where he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Salamander and is also a faculty member of the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. He blogs and reviews books at The Friday Influence.
hosted by
Porter Square Books