Profs & Pints Online: Britain Beneath the Frosting
By Profs and Pints
Profs and Pints Online presents: “Britain Beneath the Frosting,” a look at Brexit, baking shows, and other ingredients of a troubled empire, with Sam Wetherell, lecturer on British and World History at the University of York.
Through TV shows, tourist attractions, children’s books, and royal marriages, Britain has done a clever job of rebranding itself and making its history and character more palatable to other nations. For most Americans, references to its past conjure up visions of steam trains and drafty country homes where deferential servants looked after dim-witted aristocrats. The Great British Baking Show, with its verdant settings, prominent flags, and carefully cultivated niceness, represents the epitome of how today's Britain has been idealized.
Could it be, though, that almost everything Americans understand about Britain, its history, and its place in the world is wrong? Is a nation what created the world's most gigantic empire, and spent centuries violently remaking the world in its own image, maintaining a positive reputation through sleight of hand?
With the sunset of its industry and empire, Britain is a country unsure of what to do with itself. Its economic prospects are uncertain, its place in the world in doubt. Its own relationship with its history is distorted by nostalgia and amnesia, with its imperialism celebrated, its past racism forgotten. It is in this context that Britain has turned to baking as a spectator sport.
How did we get here? And what does any of this have to do with biscuits, crumble, and tarts? Hear such questions tackled by Sam Wetherell, the author of a forthcoming book on how Britain’s urban landscape and culture were reimagined throughout the twentieth century.
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