Tabletop Games on Kickstarter 101
By BackerKit
So you’re going to crowdfund your tabletop game on Kickstarter...
We’ll share expert tips and insights that’ll help you run a successful campaign. Whether you’re running your first campaign ever, or looking to build your existing audience, we have the insights you’re looking for. Followed by a live Q&A. Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 3rd!
You’ll learn:
- The importance of building your email list and tips on how.
- Strategies for building a strong team.
- When to ask for help, and who to reach out to.
- Best practices for building a dedicated community before you even launch.
Featuring: Jonathan Ritter-Roderick from Lay Waste Games (Dragoon, Human Era, Life Siphon) + Other Stuff and Jason Furie from BackerKit and Late Fee Games (Rental Rumble, LIVE on Kickstarter now!).
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