The Friday Fireside - Subverting your serious side with Chris Kenworthy

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The Friday Fireside - Subverting your serious side with Chris Kenworthy

By The Happy Startup School

This week's Fireside is for people all tangled up in the seriousness of a problem and the business of doing business.
It’s for curious folk seeking relief and new ways to look at old problems.
Whenever some predicament gets the better of us, chances are it’s because we took it too seriously and believed a story we told ourselves.
Being grown-up and sensible we should be masters at solving these problems.
But maybe it's the "story" that's the problem.
And we're just getting in our own way.
What if we deflate the tension and seriousness, yet stay committed?
The theory goes that if we expose our murky bits and shadowy monsters, we’ll feel freer to make progress, and maybe even give ourselves new options we missed, lurking in the dark.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" Albert Einstein
Together with Chris Kenworthy we'll explore how levity might help us out of this pickle.
Maybe looking at the same situation differently, and more playfully, we're more likely to find the insight that can lead us to a solution.
Chris Kenworthy is a life, business and career coach who works with founders, leaders and entrepreneurs whose businesses or careers create socially and environmentally useful outcomes.

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The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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