Stories of Change
By The Happy Startup School
At The Happy Startup School we’re big fans of Seth Godin.
The master storyteller.
One of the most valuable things we’ve learned from him is about stories of change and how stories can motivate our own action and mobilise others.
- Story of Self.
- Story of Us.
- - Story of Now.
This is approach to stories is a way to activate change in the world that is aligned to who we (entrepreneurial changemakers) are and what we need.
In the world of business we can spend too much time and energy talking about what we do and how we do it.
And don’t give enough thought to who we REALLY want to serve and why it’s important to US.
Crafting great stories helps us refocus on what matters.
And it's always best done in community.
By telling our stories and hearing the stories of others we gently discover our place in this world and create connections with people who can support us.
Powerful stories, well told, define purpose, inspire possibility and nurture deep relationships.
They invite people to imagine and to contribute, and they offer a sense of belonging to a bigger narrative of change.
What story are you telling yourself this year?
And what story will you be telling the world?
And how will these stories benefit your work... and your life?
This Friday Laurence McCahill, Lana Kristine Jelenjev and I will be sharing our Story of Change Canvas.
It's a tool that we've developed for our Vision 20/20 program to help participants get more clarity and confidence about the directions they're embarking on.
We hope it will inspire you to bring more storytelling into your life so that you can connect more with yourself, with others and with "the purpose" you've been in search of.
hosted by

The Happy Startup School