Revolutionizing UI Development with Chromatic and StackBlitz

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Revolutionizing UI Development with Chromatic and StackBlitz

By StackBlitz

A design system is more than just a set of components and their documentation, it’s a way of working. Whether you’re building and documenting those components yourself or using them in your app, everything is better with a proper workflow in place. Modern tools—like Storybook, Chromatic, and StackBlitz—can help you move past the foundations and into a better workflow for every aspect of your design system.

In our upcoming session, we'll be speaking with design systems experts at Chromatic (the team behind Storybook) about how to build, test, document, and use components.

Join us as we cover actionable strategies to:
  • Design and develop components in isolation to make collaboration with stakeholders easier
  • Test components to move faster and release updates more confidently
  • Document components to make adoption easier
  • Round out the workflow by providing environments for experimentation
In the livestream, we’ll also have time for a Q&A segment.

You’ll walk away with a solid understanding of how to use this proven workflow in your system. Register now!

Meet the speakers

Tomek Sułkowski
Developer Relations Lead, StackBlitz

Kyle Gach
DX Engineer, Chromatic

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