Spot Challenge for CodeNet - Graph Neural Network Techniques for Code Similarity

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Spot Challenge for CodeNet - Graph Neural Network Techniques for Code Similarity

By IBM Developer

The Spot Challenge for CodeNet continues!
This week we will describe state-of-the-art techniques for building code similarity models using Graph Neural Networks and provide a hands-on demonstration of the steps required to train these models on Project CodeNet datasets.
Bring your questions for discussion by our data science researchers as we continue to guide teams participating in the challenge using an. extract from Project CodeNet.
Catch up on previous sessions in this series
- Introductory to the CodeNet Call for Code Challenge Session
- Setting up your machine for the Challenge Session
Mihir Choudhury, Staff Member, IBM Research
Shyam Ramji, STSM and Manager, IBM Research

hosted by

IBM Developer

IBM Developer


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