The Secrets of Silence & Speech

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The Secrets of Silence & Speech

By Mizan Avenue

A famous hadith details several saving virtues and ends with the Prophet PBUH summarising, "Shall I not tell you how to achieve all of this?" He took a hold of his tongue and said, "Restrain this." Restraint of the tongue has been considered by scholars to be a central prerequisite to character development. Ustadha Sahar will delve into the famous text "Prohibitions of the Tongue" by Imam Muhammad Mawlud, which will provide us with a deeper understanding of moral and immoral speech, its effects, and ways to protect one's self from spiritual harm. The course is a very practical one, guaranteed to make us more aware of the many sins we unknowingly partake in and can avoid on a daily basis. Ustadha Sahar is a student of Murabit Al Hajj and Murabit Muhammad al-Amin (Rahimahum Allah) in Mauritania.
The cost of $50 is for the full course. Men and women welcome.

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