Secure OpenShift Applications w IBM Cloud App ID

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Secure OpenShift Applications w IBM Cloud App ID

By IBM Developer

Learn how to secure OpenShift applications with IBM Cloud App ID. Explore modern user and microservice security for Cloud Native applications run on Red Hat OpenShift.
Upon completion of this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Secure a web app that provides the user interface through the web browser and leverages externalize Authentication services based on IBM Cloud App ID OpenID Connect (OIDC) services. Specifically, the web app leverages the OIDC Authorization Grant Type.
  • Build a Java microservice that implements the Backend-for-frontend (BFF) pattern. The BFF and OIDC integration are implemented by using the Spring Boot framework and Spring Security related frameworks. The BFF microservice is packaged as a container leveraging Eclipse JKube automatic source-to-image and deployed to Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.
  • The Java Resource microservices returns a simple message. The microservice is implemented by using the Spring Boot framework and Spring Security related frameworks. The resource microservice is packaged as a container leveraging Eclipse JKube automatic source-to-image and deployed to Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.
  • Enable microservice-to-microservice security between the BFF and Resource microservice leverages the OIDC JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and the Java Web KeySet (JWKS) Public Keys.

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