Finding your second wind

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Finding your second wind

By The Happy Startup School

You’ve exited your business or you’ve left your job.

What next?

You’ve gone from being busy and feeling like you had direction to now floating around aimlessly.

This is what our guest David Spinks calls The Abyss.

In his Substack post, “A letter from the Abyss”, David, founder of CMX and author of The Business of Belonging, shared his experience of stepping down from the company that he co-founded and trying to work out what’s next.

The post is rich with metaphors that capture the visceral experience of not knowing our next steps but really needing to know.

I physically reacted to this metaphor in particular, “The Parable of the Trapeze” by Danaan Parry.

“Most of the time, I spend my life hanging on for dear life to my trapeze-bar-of-the-moment. It carries me along at a certain steady rate of swing and I have the feeling that I'm in control of my life[…]

But every once in a while as I'm merrily (or even not-so-merrily) swinging along, I look out ahead of me into the distance and what do I see? I see another trapeze bar swinging toward me. It's empty and I know… that this new trapeze bar has my name on it.

In my heart of hearts I know that, for me to grow, I must release my grip on this present, well-known bar and move to the new one.

I know that I must totally release my grasp on my old bar and, for some moment in time, I must hurtle across space before I can grab onto the new bar.”

The fear of that freefall feeling is what can stop us grabbing onto the new trapeze bar.

In this conversation with David, we'll hear about his experience of the abyss, what he felt, what he did, and where he's at now.

He'll share how he navigated the inner journey, which helped him understand how he got to where he got to and what he needs to do differently.

Whether you're still floating in the middle of the ocean or have caught a glimpse of the shoreline, this session will give you some compass headings and the courage to keep on swimming.

And we hope you'll come away from our conversation with some practical tips and renewed motivation to grab onto your new trapeze.

hosted by

The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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