Scorpio New Moon Activation

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Scorpio New Moon Activation

By Adrienne Elise

This New Moon is full of impetus for great change, with all of our personal planets in tension transits. Venus in Sagittarius is ready to Dream a New Dream, but will be in square to Saturn in Pisces for this New Moon. It's powerful that Saturn is just about to station direct, on November 16th. It's the feminine who is leading the way into the New Age. We must come back to the Mother's Way of doing things.

Mercury in Scorpio will be opposite of Uranus in Taurus for this New Moon. Our new start has to do with unabashedly coming in to our higher power. We are feeling more and more worthy, everyday, for the Abundance that is Ours.

Mars in Cancer will be opposite of Pluto for this New Moon. Pluto is just weeks away from exiting Capricorn for good. It's getting tense and serious, as we are asked if we have learned the lessons of Pluto in Capricorn? Are we ready to completely let go of all that is no longer serving? Get ready. This Astrology is about transforming and letting go, so the New can come.

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Adrienne Elise


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