Handling Trauma in Authority-Based Relationships

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Handling Trauma in Authority-Based Relationships


Past traumas can have a profound effect on authority-based relationships. Triggers can arise at any time that place a strain on core elements of relationships in ways that may defy formal contracts, protocols, and/or negotiated boundaries. In this interactive presentation and discussion, we will share experiences and explore ways in which we can navigate those moments as they arise, and create compassionate spaces for healing while still maintaining connection and communication.


About the Presenters

Sir Quill & His Mercy have over 35 years combined experience as educators in higher education and the outdoor industry respectively, specializing in cultural & gender studies, leadership development, and risk management. Sir Quill is a polyamorous Dom, and Master to Mercy, His polyamorous pandemisexual switch. In their classes and through their “Please Kink Responsibly” Substack, they explore transformational authority exchange, and how our identities and power are connected to our deepest spaces of vulnerability.


About SADE

SADE is a not-for-profit kink and BDSM education initiative. We are committed to providing an inclusive, accessible, safe, and consent-focused education for everyone interested in power exchange and authority transfer dynamics. We vet all of our instructors for credibility and ethical standards, and support the community at large by donating proceeds to charity.

At SADE, we believe a quality education should be accessible by all. If you need a scholarship ticket, please email [email protected]

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