911der Women Summer Workshop

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911der Women Summer Workshop

By 911der Women

The911der Women Workshops are a series of live virtual trainings given by industry experts designed to instill lasting learning for the current and next generation of leaders in the 911 community. Each workshop will be four – five hours in length, including breaks, and will tackle relevant topics that women in 911 face today. It will provide the participants tactical instruction to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities and advance their skills and careers. Each workshop’s content is built on four pillars of training topics: leadership in 911, career development, skills for the 911 center, and mental health. Sessions will be live and interactive, with built-in time for Q&A and discussion with the presenter.
Workshops include a digital workbook and certificates of completion for participants.
The live workshop will be recorded and available for playback.

hosted by

911der Women


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