Episode 17 | ATYN's Online Life Drawing Club > Lauren | Edinburgh

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Episode 17 | ATYN's Online Life Drawing Club > Lauren | Edinburgh

By alltheyoungnudes

Join us on Monday nights for Season 2 of our online life drawing club. There will be music, laughter and poses in HD. No experience required - all welcome. Let's hang together online and create.
**Are you drawing most weeks? Sounds like you’re a regular! Save yourself a few quid by subscribing to “Regulars” at Patreon.com/alltheyoungnudes - Our way of saying thank you for coming along on the regular, we really appreciate it. Are you a beginner? Subscribe for £25/month on Patreon to “Rising Stars” and you’ll get exclusive taught content through the week, every week. Thanks all.**
If we haven't already met - hello! We are All The Young Nudes Life Drawing Club, based in Glasgow, Scotland. The club is run by Joanna Susskind of Toad's Caravan, a small creative agency Jo launched back in 2008.
Never tried life drawing before? Art classes seem kinda intimidating, don't they. You've come to the right place! ATYN is life drawing - for everyone and anyone. You need no prior experience, just an open mind and a willingness to give it a go. No one will judge your work, nor ask you to show it - that's up to you. We love to see it, if you do want to share. Work in progress and progression drawings are so great to see.
Our offline sessions are hosted in bars and clubs around the UK, always encouraging people to give sketching a go, no matter what their experience level. We encourage the odd glass of wine or pint to help calm your nerves...we also play great music to help get your creative juices flowing. Sounds like fun, right?!
Our online sessions are not too different. These are not Zoom classes, so you're not going to be on-screen. Expect a new model each week, poses in HD (the poses will be well lit with studio lights or natural light), some audio tuition and chatter from Joanna, a live soundtrack plus you can submit your work for our Vision On gallery. The sessions are £5 a head, or slightly less if you subscribe to ATYN on Patreon (Patreon.com/alltheyoungnudes). As soon as the weekly broadcast ends, the session is available as a replay at the same link. You can find all our previous sessions on our website - ATYN.co.uk - where you can watch them for £4 and play them as many times as you like, pausing if you want to spend longer on a specific pose.
Our Monday night sessions are focussed on ensuring you get 2 hours of sketching out of your system. Lots of fun, fast paced and friendly. We will be providing more taught sessions and advice for beginners in the form of Masterclasses and shorter tutorials on our website. Keep an eye open for these!
6.45pm - 7pm: Pre-event, music, animation, meet and greet in live chat
7.00pm - Introduction from Joanna & our model(s)
7.05pm: First Half Life Drawing (2, 5 and 10 minute poses)
8.00pm: Break/Gallery of Your Work
8.20pm - 9pm: 2nd Half Life Drawing Session (2 x 20 minute poses)
9pm - HERO POSES (bonus poses) at new link for Patrons on £16/month+ or just pay £3 on the door
For more information and FAQs visit >> www.atyn.co.uk
Subscribe to our Spotify Playlist - Music To Sketch To - here:
Follow us here on Crowdcast to see our new events first: www.crowdcast.io/alltheyoungnudes
Gallery Submissions: Please email [email protected] with subject line "Gallery Submission [name][handle][your city]” before midday on Wednesdays. If posting on IG, please tag us @atynudes
Thank for making this possible everyone! We are having such fun seeing your work, meeting you and meeting new models. See you in there on Monday!
Joanna xx

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