Opportunity or Threat? The Outlook for Res Non-Doms
By Utmost Wealth Solutions
What is the outlook for Resident Non-Domiciled individuals following the UK Budget?
Wholesale proposed changes to the Resident Non-Domicile Regime, and a new Foreign Income and Gains (FIG) Regime, have created uncertainty for UK resident non-domiciled individuals.
- What have the political parties announced and when might we expect changes to be implemented?
- What is happening today?
- What about arising taxation for Res Non-Doms who have been in the UK for four years or more from April 2025?
- How can tax be minimised on protected settlements that will lose tax deferral?
What are the opportunities for financial planners?
Join Marc Acheson, Global Wealth Specialist, and Steve Sayer, Technical Sales Manager, as they review the proposed Res Non-Dom changes following the UK Budget in March and how investment bonds can provide a significant planning opportunity.
Marc and Steve will then be joined by Simon Martin, Head of UK Technical Services, for an interactive Q&A session.
Change brings opportunity
Join us on Thursday 9 May at 9.30 AM BST for another insightful Utmost technical webinar.
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Utmost Wealth Solutions