The Art of Resilient Living

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The Art of Resilient Living

By The Happy Startup School

Do you take the time to design for your own well-being?

When we’re being the change we want to see in the world, it’s easy to focus on hard metrics: more sales, more leads, more success.

But what if your body suddenly says ‘no’?

As the saying has it, our health is our truest form of wealth. But how often do we check in with ourselves and explore what we might need?

On this week’s Friday Fireside, we’ll be talking to Pelin Kazak Bagatur, a product and UX design leader who’s deeply passionate about the intersection of design and well-being.

She’ll share her journey of merging her two great passions: design and well-being.

We’ll hear about how her perspective on health has evolved through personal experiences with yoga, mindfulness, and a deeper exploration into spirituality and well-being.

Because all this springs from Pelin’s lived experience.

Diagnosed with a neurological condition with a poor prognosis, she undertook a personal healing journey, which not only transformed her health but her life.

She’s now on a mission to help other creative leaders experience the life-changing power of this approach, using the ten-pillar framework she’s developed and revisits annually.

By applying design methodologies to her life, and pulling in tools like personas and journey mapping, she’s been able to more intentionally navigate life’s challenges and work towards her aspirations.

And she’s now holding retreats, workshops, and building a community to help others benefit, too.

We’ll explore the importance of defining what well-being means and how to actively work towards it

We’ll also talk about applying design principles to life transitions, and the value of sharing experiences and learnings with others - all ideas close to our heart, as our Vision 20/20 program bears out.

(Pelin is an alumna, by the way.)

If you’ve had a tough time with a long-term illness, or want to make your health a focus in your life, we hope this conversation will inspire and support you.

Join us and learn how design principles can enhance personal well-being and vice versa, and how to boost your resilience - by design.

hosted by

The Happy Startup School

The Happy Startup School


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