American Dream Doc Speaker Series #1

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American Dream Doc Speaker Series #1

By American Dream Doc

Reimagine Business Series

Join us for a live virtual speaker series, organized by the award-winning documentary film, The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales (Sundance Film Festival 2022), that invites you to reimagine business to be both equitable and profitable.

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You'll hear from:
  • Abigail Disney, Co-Director, The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales
  • Jorge Fontanez, Lead Executive, B Lab U.S. & Canada
  • Susan “Sam” Miller, Former Disney Cast Member and Film Participant, The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales
You will:
  • Learn how you can use the film as a tool to strengthen your work
  • Learn about B Corps' work and how businesses can join the B Corp movement
  • Be able to ask and vote up questions live

About The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales

Abigail Disney, whose grandfather helped found the Walt Disney Company, looks at America’s dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less. As a way to imagine a more equitable future, Disney uses her family’s story to explore how this systemic injustice took hold.

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Twitter @AmerDreamDoc
Facebook @AmericanDreamDoc
Instagram @AmericanDreamDoc


Watch the film
  • See upcoming screening events here.
  • Watch at Home - See available digital platforms here.
  • Host a screening for your company, colleagues, community, here.

About B Corp

B Lab is the nonprofit network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. B Lab began in 2006 with the idea that a different kind of economy was not only possible, but necessary — and that business could lead the way towards a new, stakeholder-driven model. B Lab became known for certifying B Corporations, which are companies that meet high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Join the conversation
Website here
Instagram @bcorpuscan
Facebook @bcorpuscan
Twitter @bcorpuscan
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hosted by

American Dream Doc

American Dream Doc


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