After growth comes diversity: Join the race to break new markets in 2024

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After growth comes diversity: Join the race to break new markets in 2024

By The PIE

For institutions who have experienced back-to-back years of volume growth in enrolments, particularly from India, 2024 is officially set to be the 'year for diversity' in international education strategy as pressure grows to diversify campuses.

Our panel of experts from QA partner institutions will be discussing what diversity actually means for the UK and if universities have deep enough pockets to achieve this goal.

We will be discussing how to build a successful recruitment pipeline in a new territory and looking at the wider indicators of where the UK might find success. From product and pricing strategy to top source markets for competitor study destinations, join the debate as we share perspectives and answer your burning questions on how to achieve diversity.

This is a live webinar and we want you to get involved! Sign-up today and make sure you add your valuable insights to this debate.


Nick Cuthbert, Director of Insight, The PIE


Donal O’Connor, Director of Future Students, University of South Wales
Joy Musa, Director of International Recruitment, QA Higher Education
Rob Carthy, Director of International Development, Northumbria University

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